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Social commitment

The ABC is committed to young and old...

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Respect for the individual and social commitment are two important pillars of ABC's corporate culture. 


ABC Day Care centre 

For staff with young families, ABC employs a team of day care professionals to look after children from 3 months old to school age.

We offer welcoming space and surround-ings in which children are able to develop their own personality and find their proper place in the company of others. We 
endeavour to convey to each child the reassuring feeling that he or she possesses unique personal skills and strength of character. We assess children's progress  individually – never in comparison with others. A creative, diversified learning and playing environment with ample open-air activity is an intrinsic element of our day care.

Opening hours:
Monday – Friday from 07.00 – 17.30 

Visits by appointment: Mrs. Marianne Pfister Britton accepts inquiries by telephone on 031 850 05 77  or by e-mail 

Virtual tour of ABC Cay Care Centre


Integration programme 

ABC has long been committed to helping the weakest in society. To this end our 
integration programme is aimed at making a valuable contribution to community life.
In 2009 ABC won the "Bernese Social Star" award. The award honours the efforts of ABC as a social employer, integrating people with physical and psychological handicaps into a welcoming work environment.  

More information on:

Stiftung "Haus Serena"

 "Haus Serena" Fondation

The "Serena House" foundation is a specialized  institution for dementia sufferers. When ABC's production site was transferred to new premises in 1994, the foundation moved into the old building. 

The founder of "Serena House" was Daniel Eicher (1957-2013), until his death CEO of ABC. In 2004 he was awarded the "Bern HIV Prize" for his social commitment. Current president of the "Serena House" foundation is ABC's CEO Jörg Rohn. The company management maintains a close, committed relationship with the foundation.